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22 de Julio de 2011 a las 11:30h.

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22 de Julio de 2011 a las 11:30h. Empty 22 de Julio de 2011 a las 11:30h.

Mensaje  July (Admin) Jue Jul 14, 2011 5:25 am

Nombre:Derek Bradley.
Empresa: Disney Research Zurich.
Charla: Markerless Reconstruction of Deforming Surfaces
3D content generation is a major challenge in computer graphics, and generating realistic deformable objects with time-varying shape and motion is a big part of creating realistic virtual environments. An attractive approach for generating such content is to acquire the shape of real deforming surfaces. Here, the capture process must
reconstruct both the time-varying shape as well as dense surface correspondences between time steps. Previous methods contain various limitations, such as the use of structured illumination patterns, or hand-placed markers on the surface in order to guide the reconstruction. In this talk I will discuss some new, entirely passive techniques for 3D reconstruction of temporally deformable surfaces. The talk will include a new algorithm for multi-view stereo reconstruction, and high-level applications for markerless capture of both garments and human faces.
Hora y lugar: Seminario 003 del Edificio Departamental 2,
22 de Julio de 2011 a las 11:30h.
Para más información, ponerse en contacto con Miguel Ángel Otaduy
Proyecto del Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación (ref. externa TIN2009-07942)

Muchas gracias
July (Admin)
July (Admin)

Mensajes : 2033
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2009
Localización : Fuenlabrada

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