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Abril 2024

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Miércoles 6 Abril 18.00 On using Thermal Imaging for Computer Modeling and Biomedical Computed Aided Diagnosis

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Miércoles 6 Abril 18.00 On using Thermal Imaging for Computer Modeling and Biomedical Computed Aided Diagnosis Empty Miércoles 6 Abril 18.00 On using Thermal Imaging for Computer Modeling and Biomedical Computed Aided Diagnosis

Mensaje  July (Admin) Dom Abr 03, 2011 11:29 pm


- Título: "On using Thermal Imaging for Computer Modeling and Biomedical Computed Aided Diagnosis"
Día: Miércoles 6 Abril
Hora: 18.00
Lugar: Seminario 203 Edificio Laboratorios II
Mas info:

- Resumen de la charla:
This talk describes a research on development at the Brazilian
universities UFF and UFPE under the support of the CAPES-Pro Eng
Project. Some results are presented in two separated topics. One is on
the use of thermal imaging for three-dimensional modeling. This aims
to reproduce the exact geometry of the breast of a patient from
thermal image. Such technique could be used of breast reconstruction
or for definition of the best prosthesis for the patient. Moreover it
can be used for identification of the limits of tumor visibility on
the skin surface of the internal body temperatures, which is other
topic of the project. The second topic is on the diagnoses by the
infrared images.

- Breve CV:
Aura Conci is currently a Professor in the Computer Science Department
(Computer Institute - IC) at Federal Fluminense University - UFF,
Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro Brasil. Her fields of interest are: Finite
element methods, Numerical methods applied to engineering, Fractal
geometry, Pattern recognition, Machine learning, and Computer vision.
She has published approx. 90 papers worlwide and co-author of two
books. Prof Conci coordinates the Visual Lab and the project Image
Analysis for Mastologic Aplications. She participate in the MACC
Medical Aided for Scietific Computation (Medicina Assistida por
Computação Científica), GPU´s Brazilian Clusters and Medical Image
Processing as well.
July (Admin)
July (Admin)

Mensajes : 2033
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2009
Localización : Fuenlabrada

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