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[16/4/2012 Politécnica] HTML5 and Cloud Computing

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[16/4/2012 Politécnica] HTML5 and Cloud Computing Empty [16/4/2012 Politécnica] HTML5 and Cloud Computing

Mensaje  z0rg Lun Mar 19, 2012 3:04 am

The computing infrastructure of the last decade is rapidly changing. The computing platforms that thrived in the early 2000s are rapidly being challenged, and often replaced, by a new generation of software. The changes are pervasive and touch the client, the middleware, and the server. The changes even extend to the protocols, data formats, and data storage.

One of the most often discussed emerging patterns is cloud computing. The other is HTML5. Coupled, the former is taking over the server side, while HTML5 is replacing Java and .NET as the dominant client technology.

This session covers the new HTML5 technologies for visualization, storage, communication, parallelization, and the emerging language of the web. Server side, on the cloud, we will look at the infrastructure, server, platform, and application technologies.

Dr. Abel Sánchez. Research Scientist, AutoID Laboratories Research Lead, Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory Dr. Sanchez holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His areas of specialty include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Information Engineering, and Engineering Complex Systems. He teaches graduate courses in Software Construction, Software Engineering, and Software Architecture. Dr. Sanchez is applying his expertise on Grid/Agent Computing, developed in simulating the U.S. critical infrastructure at the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), to architecting the "Internet of Things". The Internet of Things combines technologies such as RFID, real-time localization systems, and sensor networks to connect physical objects to the Internet in a Global Information Network.

Dr. Sanchez is the founder and Chief Software Architect of the RFID platform MIT EPC NET (MENTOR) Open Source project. Dr. Sanchez' software systems are used by Samsung, NEC, NTT, Hitachi, Motorola, SAP, IBM, and Microsoft. Other software initiatives are in use by Sandia National Laboratories, MIT, and by several organizations in East Asia and Europe. Dr. Sanchez is currently a Principal Investigator in research projects with SAP, Phillip Morris International, Schlumberger, and Microsoft.


Mensajes : 478
Fecha de inscripción : 09/10/2009
Edad : 36
Localización : Machupichu

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