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Abril 2024

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21/2/2012 ERASMUS-staff

2 participantes

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21/2/2012 ERASMUS-staff Empty Re: 21/2/2012 ERASMUS-staff

Mensaje  Nephiel Miér Feb 15, 2012 5:16 am

Otro que coincide con el primer parcial de SI... No

Mensajes : 180
Fecha de inscripción : 17/12/2010

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21/2/2012 ERASMUS-staff Empty 21/2/2012 ERASMUS-staff

Mensaje  July (Admin) Miér Feb 15, 2012 4:30 am

Va a venir una profesora de ERASMUS-staff y va a impartir un curso/taller orientado a alumnos y a miembros del profesorado.

Los interesados que me manden un mail a mi ( para controlar el número de asistentes.
Muchas gracias y un saludo,
Institución de origen: Erasmus University College, Brussels. Belgium
Departamento: Department of Industrial Sciences and Technology
Nombre: Annick Dhooge (
Fecha: 21/2/2012, 11:00 (aproximadamente serán 2 horas)
Lugar: Laboratorios I, seminario 204
Objectives of the mobility:
The main objective of the mobility is to give master students and members of the department an introduction to mobile application development and to discuss the differences between mobile native and mobile web applications. Another objective of the mobility is to present our institution in particular the bachelor of applied computer science, to present our research activities and to explore possible further collaboration.
Contents of the teaching programme:
- Course and workshop on mobile application development
- Comparison between mobile native and mobile web application
- Introduction to iOS5 development
- Introduction to jQuery Mobile development
- Presentation of the institution
- Programme
- Research
July (Admin)
July (Admin)

Mensajes : 2033
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2009
Localización : Fuenlabrada

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