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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

4 participantes

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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Empty Re: 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

Mensaje  un troll Miér Feb 08, 2012 7:45 am

Yo voy, porque sino se va a sacar los creditos rita xD
un troll
un troll

Mensajes : 600
Fecha de inscripción : 05/10/2009
Edad : 33

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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Empty Re: 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

Mensaje  Nephiel Miér Feb 08, 2012 6:24 am

Yo pienso ir.

12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Iatls

Mensajes : 180
Fecha de inscripción : 17/12/2010

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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Empty Re: 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

Mensaje  warrior of the fields Miér Feb 08, 2012 3:31 am

¿Alguien va a ir? Rolling Eyes

warrior of the fields

Mensajes : 182
Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2009
Edad : 33

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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Empty 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

Mensaje  July (Admin) Mar Feb 07, 2012 7:15 am

Seminario - "12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less)"

Actividad de reconocimiento de créditos "Ciclo de Seminarios en Interacción Persona Ordenador"

Ponente: Guido Robling (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany.)
Día: Lunes 20 de Febrero del 2012 de 14:30 - 16:00
Lugar: Sala1. Sala de Audiovisuales. Laboratorio II. Móstoles. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Seminario enmarcado dentro de la asignatura de Visualización del Software del Máster en Informática Interactiva y Multimedia.

Por cuestiones de espacio en la sala, se ruega avisar al correo para confirmar la asistencia con el asunto " 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less)".


I have been using, developing and researching algorithm animation systems for 12 years. The main output of this work has been a visualization system called Animal, which provides a couple of interesting and/or unusual support elements. Most of the concepts researched for Animal can be adapted for other systems, as well, including aspects like a Java-based library for internationalization of texts and GUI elements.
In the presentation, I will present and summarize many of the activities of the last 12 years and provide some insight into why they were developed and what they offer. This includes components for integrating animations into a Learning Management System, interaction support, interactive generation of animations, visualizing functional programs and logic circuits, and supporting dynamic exercises with automatic grading and visualization.

Breve CV del autor:

My main research and teaching activities are about e-learning components, especially algorithm animation or learning management systems, and how they can be used to help students in learning. I am responsible to teaching the CS 1 (first term) course, which uses a functional programming language and later Java, and ends with a game programming project.
I have a Diploma and a Ph. D. in Computer Science. The regular reference point for my research is (currently out of order).
July (Admin)
July (Admin)

Mensajes : 2033
Fecha de inscripción : 01/10/2009
Localización : Fuenlabrada

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12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012 Empty Re: 12 Years of AV Research & Practice in 120 Minutes (or less) 20 de Febrero del 2012

Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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